Exec Job Descriptions


Sec. 1.The Officers of the Association:

  • The officers of the Association are responsible for the activities of their area as outlined below and as such they shall chair all meeting related to their area and ensure minutes of these meetings are made.
  • If necessary the officers of the Association will also establish committees to administer the affairs of their area (committee members are to be selected by the appropriate officers and approved by the Board of Directors, or Executive Committee).
  • The officers of the Association are responsible for the recruiting of volunteers to fulfill the positions of the committee.
  • Officers of the Association must present a report to the Annual General Meeting and monthly Board of Director Meetings.
  • The Officers of the Association must recommend goals and objectives for the Association and develop action plans showing how to accomplish these goals.

Sec. 2.The Executive Committee shall be the governing body of the Organization and shall:

  • Set the policy of the Organization for the current season;
  • Approve the expenditure of monies as set out hereafter;
  • Rule on any appeals of decisions of the President or Executive Director;
  • Set the annual registration fee for teams;
  • Approve the appointment of an Executive Director;
  • Establish remuneration for the Executive Director;
  • Make any plans, programs, fund raising that they desire, providing that such plans do not obligate the organization to any long term obligations;
  • May ask the Board of Directors to ratify a decision they have made;
  • May make a decision on any matter not specifically covered in the By-Laws;

Sec. 3.The President shall:

  • Preside over all meetings of the Association;
  • Be an ex officio member of all committees;
  • Follow the overall interests of the Association;
  • Make day-to-day decisions of the organization;
  • Assist in ensuring that the Bylaws are enforced;
  • Be responsible for ensuring that all resolutions or motions passed by the membership or Board of Directors are carried out;
  • Instruct the Executive Director in their duties;
  • Supervise the other officers in their responsibilities;
  • Make recommendations to the Executive Committee;
  • Be the Associations representative to all sport related and unrelated events and may appoint another officer or director when unable to attend.

Sec. 4.The Vice-President shall:

  • Assume the responsibilities of the President in their absence;
  • Assist in coordinating communications with the membership;
  • Assist in maintaining relations with Edmonton Youth Basketball Association and their membership;
  • Be assigned duties by the President.

Sec. 5.The Treasurer shall:

  • Keep the financial records of the Association in order;
  • Ensure the payment of the bills approved by the Executive Committee;
  • Present financial statements to the Executive at each executive meeting and shall, if required arrange for the audit of financial statements.
  • At the first meeting of the newly elected Executive turn over all funds, books, papers and other property of the Association to the elected successor;
  • Ensure that the annual audit of the Association is carried out by the individual or company appointed by the Executive;
  • Act as a consultant in establishing the yearly budget;
  • Be responsible for undertaking any reasonable duties the Executive or Board of Directors may request of them with regard to the area of finance;
  • Hold the monies of the Association in a Chartered Bank of Canada;
  • Issue cheques on behalf of the Association.  Said cheques shall require the signature of two (2) members of the Executive Committee.  As per Article 12, section 6 of these Bylaws.

Sec. 6.The Secretary shall:

  • Keep the Minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors;
  • Handle the correspondence of the Organization as directed by the President.

Sec. 7.The Directors shall:

  • Have such duties as may be assigned to them by the Officers of the Executive Committee.

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